Cecelia Coker Bell Gallery
The Cecelia Coker Bell Gallery is located in the Gladys C. Fort Art Building on the Coker University Campus
Visit us on Facebook at facebook.com/ceceliacokerbellgallery
Gallery Hours: Weekdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
While Classes are In Session
Mission Statement
Coker University uses the Cecelia Coker Bell Gallery to broaden our student’s exposure to artists with regional, national, and international reputations. Interest in our exhibition program extends beyond the university community, and we encourage public participation in all exhibitions and artists’ presentations. To date, the gallery has exhibited work by artists from France, Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, South Africa, and all regions within the United States.
“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.”
Pablo Picasso
Meet the Artists
Coker University is excited to host five different artists’ exhibitions for the 2024-2025 school year. Click here to learn more.
The Cecelia Coker Bell Gallery at Coker University is reviewing for 5 solo exhibitions in 2025 and 2026. To be considered please upload a folder containing a single pdf labeled artistname_proposal2025 that includes a current CV, artist statement, image list, and 10-15 jpeg images of available work to Dropbox.com then share the folder with artgallery@dandick.net.
Gallery provides $300 towards shipping and $200 for gallery talk. Deadline is Oct. 31, 2024, notifications by end of December.
Email artgallery@dandick.net if you have any questions.
- Michaela Pilar Brown
- Gwenyth Chao
- Kristen Letts-Kovak
- 51st Annual Student Competition
- 51st Annual Faculty and Staff
- Eric Reinemann
- Laura De Valencia-Kirk
- Senior Shows
- Student Summer Show
2022/2023 Season
- Virginia Derryberry
- Michael Hubbard
- Sue Johnson
- 50th Annual Student Competition
- 50th Annual Faculty and Staff
- Katrina Majkut
- Barbara Schreiber
- Senior Shows
- Student Summer Show
2021/2022 Season
- Jim Boden
- Natan Diacon-Furtado
- Alexandria Giannell & Kristy Hughes
- 49th Annual Student Competition
- 49th Annual Faculty and Staff
- Marc Newton
- Senior Shows
- Student Summer Show
2020/2021 Season
- Michelle Robinson
- Todd McDonald
- Candice Ivy
- 48th Annual Student Competition
- 48th Annual Faculty and Staff
- Sarah Nance
- Rebecca Strzelec
- Senior Shows
- Student Summer Show
2019/2020 Season
- Katy Mixon
- Zac Benson
- Jim Boden
- 47th Annual Student Competition
- 47th Annual Faculty and Staff
- Elizabeth Claffey
- Sue Carrie Drummond
- Senior Shows
- Student Summer Show
2018/2019 Season
- Student Art Exhibition
- Kim Bruce
- Qiuwen Li
- 46th Annual Student Competition
- 46th Annual Faculty and Staff
- Kathleen Thum
- Michael Benevenia
- Senior Shows
- Student Summer Show
2017/2018 Season
- Linda McCune
- Monika Meler
- Hollis Hammonds
- 45th Annual Student Competition
- 45th Annual Faculty and Staff
- Kristine Thompson
- Jean LeBlanc
- Senior Shows
- Student Summer Show